
Key documentation and products developed by partners for supporting Community Engagement for Cholera Response


Since 2021, there has been an increase in cholera cases and their geographical distribution globally. In 2021, 23 countries reported cholera outbreaks, mainly in the WHO Regions of Africa and the Eastern Mediterranean. This trend has continued into 2022 with over 29 countries (Figure 1) reporting cholera cases or outbreaks. As of 30 November 2022, 16 of these have been reporting protracted outbreaks. Many of those countries reported higher case numbers and case fatality ratio (CFR) than in previous years. The average cholera CFR reported globally in 2021 was 1.9% (2.9% in Africa), well above acceptable (<1%) and the highest recorded in over a decade.

This year the number of cholera cases and cholera-associated deaths have surged globally following years of decline. Of particular concern are the outbreaks in 13 countries, which did not report cholera cases in 2021. Of these, some had not reported any cholera outbreaks for many years (between three and 30), and several are not considered cholera-endemic countries.i,ii The current situation represents a resurgence of the ongoing seventh pandemic of cholera which began in 1961.

Lesotho, 2019 @IFRC


Social, behavioural and community dynamics related to the cholera outbreak in Malawi

Collective Service

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This brief is a rapid synthesis of socio-behavioural evidence relating to the 2022 cholera outbreak in Malawi intended for national and international response partners. It focuses on interpreting this evidence to inform the design and delivery of effective communication and engagement strategies putting communities at the centre of the response.

An Introduction to Community Engagement in WASH


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This guide aims to provide field staff with clear, accessible guidance on the principles and practice of community engagement in WASH programmes. The content has been field tested in a variety of contexts.

Cholera resources guidance


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This live document aims to support Red Cross and Red Crescent National Societies and partners with key available thematic guides, tools, and resources on cholera. This document does not fully exhaust all cholera materials but intends to compile some of the most important ones to support different countries at field level.


Data to Action Research Tools & Resources 

Understand the situation

Situation, Contextual Analysis




Rapid assessments, Infodemic insights



Guidance, Strategy, Plan



Community Engagement, Communication Content, Social Media



Prior conducted studies and resources from previous responses

Beni Outbreak 2021

Shared drive of Ebola RCCE Working Group from Beni (DRC) 2021 Outbreak

Mbandaka Outbreak 2022

Shared drive of Ebola RCCE Working Group from Mbandaka (DRC) 2022 Outbreak



This resource is a menu of qualitative and quantitative questions related to socio-behavioural factors and cholera. It seeks to facilitate the collection of quality data on community’s capacity, behaviours, practices and perceptions in relation to cholera prevention and management. It can be used by field teams and / or local research teams working in communities with cholera transmission and those at risk adhering to safety and protection protocols.


Global Task Force on Cholera Control

Tools and learning on Cholera Control from GTFCC

Social Science in Action

Selected social science reports or briefs on Cholera compiled by SSHAP

Integrated Toolkit on Cholera

Tools and materials developed by IRC to led Cholera response

Sanitation Learning Hub

Learning to support sanitation and hygiene programmes.

Suitable Sanitation Alliance

Resources and publications on satination programmes.


Free resources to help you design better hygiene programs

Cholera Platform

Cholera platform is committed to reduce cholera deaths and ending cholera in 20 countries