Middle East and Northern Africa Region

Regional Working Group

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Latest Reports

COVID-19 Online Social Listening

May 2022 – Regional trend analysis of COVID-19 online social listening in MENA région

RCCE Approach in Palestine during the COVID-19 Response

IFRC – Report on community members’ perspectives on Health information related to COVID-19.

Regional RCCE Interagency Working Group Workshop

Feb 2022 – Review of objectives and strategic direction for the regional interagency working group.

RCCE Training on Vaccine Acceptance

Dec 2021 – Report of the Regional training on Vaccine Acceptance

Case Studies

The Working Group

The Middle East and Northern Africa Working Group was established in March 2020 as one of four TWGs to to enhance regional partner coordination on operational and strategic planning, monitoring and evaluation as well as the support to countries on particular aspects of the preparedness and response to COVID-19.

The role of the MENA Working group were revised in 2022 to encompass RCCE partner coordination for public health emergencies (PHE) with regional implications.

The Regional WG is co-led by WHO, UNICEF and IFRC with operational and technical support from the RCCE Collective Service for day to day management and follow up of TWG activities and actions.



Muhammad Shafique

Regional Coordinator

The Collective Service


Rose Aynsley

Technical Team

