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April, 2024
Building Trust and Resilience for Better Outbreak Response in East and Southern Africa


  • This is a call for abstracts for a joint webinar series from the Risk Communication and Community Engagement (RCCE) and Immunisation Demand Technical Working Groups.
  • The webinars will focus on strengthening trust in health authorities and building resilient health systems for more effective outbreak response in East and Southern Africa.
  • Trust in health services before, during and after public health emergencies is critical, as higher trust leads to better community compliance with public health recommendations and more effective outbreak control.
  • The webinars aim to share lessons learned, best practices and interventions for building trust and resilience in health systems, including for routine immunization, community engagement, policy environments, and data utilization.

Submission Guidelines

  • Abstracts are invited on topics such as strengthening health service delivery, engaging community structures, creating enabling policy environments, and improving data use for community-centered responses.
  • Abstracts should focus on building trust across different settings and populations, including marginalized and unimmunized communities.
  • Submit abstracts using this form
  • Selected abstracts will be invited to present 8-10 minute oral presentations during the webinars in May.
  • Presenters will be asked to share relevant materials and resources through the Collective Service and partner newsletters.

Key Dates

  • Abstract submission deadline: April 17, 2024
  • Communication of selected abstracts: April 24, 2024
  • Webinar dates: May 8 and 22, 2024


  • The full document can be downloaded here: Download

Contact Information

  • Rachel James, RCCE Coordinator, UNICEF ESARO
  • Francine Ganter-Restrepo, SBC Specialist, UNICEF ESARO

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