Approaches to scaling up COVID-19 vaccination: Experiences from Malawi, Kenya, and Uganda

Approaches to scaling up COVID-19 vaccination: Experiences from Malawi, Kenya, and Uganda

 As COVID-19 vaccination programmes enter their third year, existing challenges to programmes combine with new needs, complexities, and hesitancies. Vaccination programmes require innovative solutions to scale up COVID-19 vaccination efforts, from administering booster doses to reaching those who have yet to receive their first COVID-19 vaccination. This synthesis presents an overview of the vaccination context in three Eastern and Southern Africa Region countries.

Namibia Country Support- Strengthening Community Feedback Mechanisms

Namibia Country Support- Strengthening Community Feedback Mechanisms


COVID-19 vaccination landscape in Namibia is uneven in the various age groups with a 24.7% of the target population being fully vaccinated, out of which only a paltry 3.28% second dose for children aged 12-13 and 4.5% second dose for children aged 14-17 respectively as of January 13th, 2022. The Risk Communication and Community Engagement (RCCE) Pillar under the Ministry of Health and Social Services Covid-19 Response has made plans to Strengthen Community Feedback Mechanisms (CFM), to address rumours, misinformation, and concerns around vaccines as well as to support the regions with collecting information in an Interagency coordinated manner. Strengthening sub national CFMs contribute immensely to the management of COVID -19 vaccine hesitancy. Setting up effective CFM will enable the Ministry of Health and Social Services to create an effective evidence-based response by better understanding the concerns, share information and manage the rumours circulating in the country. It is against this background that the National Risk Communication and Community Engagement through UNICEF’s Collective Services, will provide technical support in strengthening the National and the subnational CFM through training government and partners, reviewing CFM tools, improving the Information management systems, and standardising the data collection and analysis processes across partners which will feed into Government CFM platforms. The collective Service has been requested to support the Government of Namibia to establish a functional CFM through and in country surge support which is currently ongoing .  


The goal of the Ministry of Health and Social Services is to ensure the success of the vaccination rollout program which relies on individuals’ acceptance of the vaccines. It is well recognized that intention does not always correlate with actual behaviour, including vaccination. With support from the Collective Service the Government will strengthen CFMs in Khomas, Kunene, Omusati, Ohangwena and Kavango West regions, understanding the types of data, data collection processes, use of standardised tools, establish technical committees responsible for data coding, analysis  and production of CFM dashboards and ensuring translation of feedback into action is prioritised. 

Ongoing Trainings

At subnational level 1 day trainings in Khomas, Kunene, Omusati, Ohangwena and Kavango regions will mainly focus on understanding the field level data collection tools, data collection processes and roles and responsibilities. The participants included government- MoH, ministry of education, ministry of youths, gender and employment, Ministry of justice- Police and state security, and partners – Unicef, Red Cross, WHO, and local NGOs. 

At national level all RCCE partners will received a 2 day training which will cover all components of CFM- contextualisation of tools, data collection, data coding , data analysis, translation of feedbacks into action, development of CFM SoPs, Development of data flow matrix and reporting schedules. 

Consultant of Risk Communication & Community Engagement (RCCE) | IOM Indonesia

Consultant of Risk Communication & Community Engagement (RCCE) | IOM Indonesia

The consultant will support the IOM Indonesia team with the development and testing of a comprehensive Risk Communication & Community Engagement package targeting Rohingya refugees arriving in Indonesia. The RCCE package will be tailored to the target audience in terms of language, gender and age-appropriateness, and cultural sensitivity, as well as media and activities used for the delivery. The materials will take into account mental health, psycho-social well-being, and protection considerations to avoid creating any harm when delivering the information to Rohingya refugees and the host communities in Indonesia.

The deadline for applications is 27 January 2023.

[NEW DEADLINE] Call for applications: Technical assistance for RCCE Monitoring and Evaluation

[NEW DEADLINE] Call for applications: Technical assistance for RCCE Monitoring and Evaluation

The Collective Service is providing a limited period offer for FREE in-depth RCCE monitoring and evaluation technical assistance for Collective Service partners. The range of M&E activities; includes but is not limited to, 

  • Support the generation, analysis, and/or use of M&E evidence, 
  • Support the use of this evidence to influence strategic decisions, and
  • Build skills (capacities and competencies) and system strengthening in M&E investment and implementation
  • Technical quality assurance of questionnaires, polls, research designs, and sampling methodologies
  • M&E capacity building through training workshops, supporting limited development of M&E training materials, and limited leading data use workshops or sessions

To strengthen local synergies and sustain capacity building, the Collective Service has commissioned iMMAP France as the Collective Service M&E capacity to collaborate with national and/or regional-level monitoring and evaluation networks and institutions to mobilize in-country experts.    

How to apply? 

Please review this Guidance Note (English | Français | عربي |  Spanish | Portuguese) in detail before applying. Once you are ready to apply, fill out this Google Form with all the relevant information needed. 

New deadline: 8 January 2023

Languages available for technical assistance:  English | Français | عربي  | Português