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Report |?UNICEF

A knowledge, attitudes and practices study on COVID-19 vaccines in Malawi
This study aims to understand the current knowledge, attitudes, practices, drivers, bottlenecks and communication channels on COVID-19 vaccine uptake to improve the design and implementation of interventions that would improve vaccine uptake in Malawi.

Tool |?WHO Afro

Social and behavioural insights COVID-19 data collection tool for Africa
WHO has developed the “Social and Behavioural Insights COVID-19 Data Collection Tool for Africa” to help WHO Country Offices, NGOs, universities or other groups interested in capturing quantitative and qualitative social and behavioural data. This document provides detailed guidance for...


Regional guiding RCCE framework for the COVID-19 response in the Eastern Mediterranean Region/Middle East and North Africa
This framework emphasises the need to localize efforts, to move beyond the idea of a single national response and towards coordinating multiple simultaneous responses that reflect a deeper understanding of the needs of different parts of each community, in collaboration...

Article |?University of the Witwatersrand

Gender inequality and the COVID-19 crisis: Evidence from a large national survey during South Africa’s lockdown
We analyse the early effects of the COVID-19 crisis and lockdown in South Africa on women’s and men’s work in the paid and unpaid (care) economies. Because women and men typically have different roles in both spheres, it is likely...

Report |?SSHAP

Data Synthesis: COVID-19 Vaccine Perceptions in Africa: Social and Behavioural Science Data, March 2020 – March 2021

Training materials |?

A guide to prebunking: a promising way to inoculate against misinformation
As with medicine, so with misinformation: It is better to prevent misinformation from spreading at all than to try to debunk it once it’s spread.


Community feedback report (Turkey)
A community feedback report capturing complaints, questions, feedback and rumours collected as part of the IFRC supported COVID-19 response project targeting refugees and host population in Turkey under the Community Based Migration Programme.


Vaccination status of refugees in Turkey – survey results II
A survey on the vaccination status of refugees aged 65 and above conducted by the Turkish Red Crescent Society.

Article |?CDC

New Mixed Methods Approach for Monitoring Community Perceptions of Ebola and Response Efforts in the Democratic Republic of the Congo
A new method of collecting, coding, and quickly analyzing community feedback.

Article |?Nottingham Trent University

Doing it for us: Community identification predicts willingness to receive a COVID-19 vaccination via perceived sense of duty to the community
This study draws upon the Social Identity Approach, which posits that people's membership of social groups is consequential for their thoughts and behaviour.

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360 resources found