RCCE Resource Management portal

Most recent uploads

Concerns, attitudes, and intended practices of Caribbean healthcare workers concerning COVID-19 vaccination: A cross-sectional study

The Caribbean has a long history of being a global leader in immunization, and one factor contributing
to this success has been the commitment of healthcare workers in promoting the benefits of vaccines. Healthcare
workers play a critical role in building trust between the public and the immunization program and are generally
cited as the most trusted source of information on vaccination. Healthcare workers themselves, therefore, must be
confident in vaccination as a public health good and able to transmit this confidence to those who trust them. However, just as with the general public, healthcare workers develop confidence at different rates and may be susceptible
to misinformation about vaccines.

About this portal

This is where partners can upload or manage documents in the RCCE Collective Service Resource Library. It is accessible only to users with an account. We have included instructions on each page for how to manage your documents, but if you need further information, please contact radostina.karageorgieva@ifrc.org.

This will be the resources view

And this will be a view of case studies

And this will be a grid of knowledge hubs