RCCE Resource Management portal

Most recent uploads

Vaccination status of migrants in Turkey

The third round of the survey on the vaccination status of refugees in Turkey was carried out by the TRCS Health and Psychosocial Support Program and IFRC team members.

Migrant Inclusion in COVID-19 Vaccination Campaigns

A lack of clarity remains and is reported in several countries (over 60 countries) regarding the level of access to the vaccine that different categories of migrants already have or will be able to have in practice.

Driving Migrant Inclusion through Social Innovation

This report is mainly based on research conducted as part of the ADMin4ALL project on “Supporting Social Inclusion of Vulnerable Migrants in Europe” in cities and towns in Southern as well as Central and Eastern Europe that have faced particularly challenging situations, from high levels of spontaneous arrivals in 2015–16 and limited integration experience or service infrastructure to restrictive national policies and strained economies.

About this portal

This is where partners can upload or manage documents in the RCCE Collective Service Resource Library. It is accessible only to users with an account. We have included instructions on each page for how to manage your documents, but if you need further information, please contact radostina.karageorgieva@ifrc.org.

This will be the resources view

And this will be a view of case studies

And this will be a grid of knowledge hubs