RCCE Resource Management portal

Most recent uploads

COVID-19 Rumour Tracking Report

With the support of IFRC, the Turkish Red Crescent have been collecting rumours on COVID-19 related issues from the community through KAP assessment and feedback mechanisms to monitor, address and cover information gaps, beliefs and misconceptions.

Contact tracing in the context of COVID-19

This document provides updated guidance on how to establish contact tracing capacity for the control of COVID-19, and how to prioritize contact tracing activities in different settings.

About this portal

This is where partners can upload or manage documents in the RCCE Collective Service Resource Library. It is accessible only to users with an account. We have included instructions on each page for how to manage your documents, but if you need further information, please contact radostina.karageorgieva@ifrc.org.

This will be the resources view

And this will be a view of case studies

And this will be a grid of knowledge hubs