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Showing 10 of 417 resources.
This case study describes how a tool to make it easier for countries to collect context-specific social and behavioural data was adapted and used in a pilot study in Nigeria...
This inter-agency guidance document aims to supplement the COVAX demand creation package for COVID-19 vaccines with key considerations for humanitarian contexts and marginalized populations with specific access and communication needs.
This report is the first output in a body of work undertaken to identify operationally feasible suggestions to improve risk communication and community engagement efforts (RCCE) with displaced Rohingya people...
This report provides a picture of emerging gendered barriers to COVID-19 vaccine uptake and supply, supplemented by analyses drawn from a virtual listening session with women-focused organisations (WFOs) on the...
This report captures the third round of findings from a KAP assessment carried out by the Turkish Red Crescent Society.
Turning COVID-19 vaccines into vaccinations is a critical step to ending the COVID-19 pandemic. It is thus imperative to understand the disparities in COVID-19 vaccine acceptance and identify approaches to...
This study contrasts the effects of vague vaccine communication with transparent communication, which discloses either positive or negative vaccine features.
This study aims to understand the current knowledge, attitudes, practices, drivers, bottlenecks and communication channels on COVID-19 vaccine uptake to improve the design and implementation of interventions that would improve...
WHO has developed the “Social and Behavioural Insights COVID-19 Data Collection Tool for Africa” to help WHO Country Offices, NGOs, universities or other groups interested in capturing quantitative and qualitative...
This framework emphasises the need to localize efforts, to move beyond the idea of a single national response and towards coordinating multiple simultaneous responses that reflect a deeper understanding of...