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Showing 10 of 417 resources.
The brief synthesises evidence published by UNICEF in a comprehensive review of the scientific and grey literature and the media.
This paper addresses COVID-19 in India, looking at how the interplay of inequality, vulnerability, and the pandemic has compounded uncertainties for poor and marginalised groups, leading to insecurity, stigma and...
Ce document a été élaboré par la Cellule d’Analyse en Sciences Sociales (CASS) sous l’égide de la Commission de Gestion des Informations de la Réponse multisectorielle à l’épidémie de COVID-19...
This brief presents considerations for how health and humanitarian practitioners can support communities to respond to and recover from COVID-19 using a community resilience approach.
This SSHAP brief discusses key considerations for COVID-19 response and recovery, with a particular focus on the Amazon region of South America.
This brief distils best data practice recommendations through consideration of key issues involved in the use of technology for surveillance, fact-checking and coordinated control during a crisis or emergency response...