Key documentation and products developed by partners for supporting Community Engagement for Mpox (Monkeypox) Response
Currently, recent outbreaks of mpox are of great concern in many African countries. While a global outbreak began in 2022, a severe outbreak in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) has seen thousands of cases and hundreds of deaths since the beginning of 2024, with cases also confirmed in Kenya, Rwanda, Uganda, Burundi, Republic of Congo, Central African Republic, Cameroon, Côte d’Ivoire, Liberia, Nigeria, and South Africa according to the World Health Organization (WHO).
This multi-country outbreak has been re-graded to an acute Grade 3 emergency by WHO. The Collective Service and its core partners are working together to provide resources, tools, and surge support to affected countries upon request.
- Rapport de la table ronde : Discussionsur la mpox en RDC et considérations ensciences sociales pour la réponseopérationnelle
- Discussion on mpox in DRC and social science considerations for operational response
- Risk communication and community engagement for mpox vaccination in Eastern DRC
- Considérations clés : mpox, exploitationminière et vulnérabilité des femmes etdes enfants dans l’est de la RDC
- Mpox, mining, and vulnerabilities of women and children in eastern DRC
- Social considerations for monkeypox response
- Mpox (Monkeypox) outbreak toolbox
- RCCE Strategies for Monkeypox Response
- Risk communication andcommunity engagementreadiness and response toolkit
- Boîte à outils pour lacommunication sur les risques etla engagement communautaire :capacité de réaction et riposte – Variole simienne
- MPOX Question Bank (PT)
- MPOX Question Bank (FR)
- MPOX Question Bank (ENG)
- Language-related questions for new and ongoing surveys
- Évaluations anthropologiques rapides sur le terrain
- Rapid AnthropologicalAssessments in the Field
- Banco de perguntas sobre o MPOX: Perguntas qualitativas para recolha de dados a nível comunitário
- Banque De Questions Sur La MPOX: Questions Qualitatives Pour La Collecte De Données Au Niveau Communautaire
- Rapid Qualitative Assessment Tools
- Rapid Gender Assessment
- Collecte de données quantitatives Mpox
- Mpox Quantitative Data Collection
- Behavioural Science – Guidelines to train frontline workers
- Pack de formation RQA pour les bénévoles et le personnel du RCCE
- RQA training package for RCCE volunteers and staff
- 5 Tips for community health workers and vaccinators engaged inthe mpox response
- 5 Conseils pour agents de la santé et vaccinateurs engagésdans la réponse mpox
- Activités et messages d’apprentissage pour les amis des enfants
- Child Friend Learning Activities and Messages
- Comment Parler du Mpox aux Enfants
- How to talk to children about MPOX
- Considérations clés : Communication desrisques et engagement communautairepour la vaccination contre la mpox dansl’est de la République démocratique du Congo
- Key considerations: Risk communicationand community engagement for mpoxvaccination in eastern DRC
- How to identify and address stigma in the mpox response?
- Risk communications and community engagement public health advice on understanding,preventing and addressing stigma anddiscrimination related to monkeypox
- Collective Service Thematic Kits – Mpox
- Guide CREC* sur la Mpox
- Guidance for RCCE practitioners on Mpox
- 2024 Mpox U-Report Chatbot
- Mpox U-Report Poll
- Mpox U-Report Chatbot 2024 (FR)
- Sondage Mpox pour U-Report
- Public health advice on mpox and congregate settings: Settings in which people live, stay or work in proximity
- Public health adviceon understanding,preventing and addressingstigma and discriminationrelated to mpox
- Public health advicefor sex workerson mpox
- Public health advice on mpox (monkeypox)and sex-on-premises venues and events
- Public health advice for gatherings during the current monkeypox outbreak
- Public advice for men who have sex with men on preventing mpox (monkeypox)
- Public health advice on protecting yourself and others from mpox (monkeypox)
- Public health advice on mpox for people living in camps, refugee populations, internally displaced people and migrants
- Public advice on recovering from mpox (monkeypox) at home
- Getting tested for mpox: What you need to know
- Viral Facts Africa – Video Materials
- Triage du retour d’information de la communauté: Une approche participative
- Triaging Community Feedback: A Participatory Approach
- Comment élaborer un rapport sur les connaissances infodémiques en six étapes
- How to build an infodemic insights report in six steps
- MPOX Coding frame 2.2 FRENCH
- MPOX Coding framework 2.2
- Questions and Answers
- Variole du singe : Cours d’introduction aux contextes d’épidémies en Afrique
- Variole du singe : Épidémiologie, préparation et réponse aux contextes d’épidémies en Afrique
- Risk Communication and Community Engagement – Indicator Guidance for COVID-19
- MPOX Response – Menu Of Activities
- Conseils de santé publique relatifs à la variole du singeà l’intention des travailleurs du sexe
- Conseils de santé publique relatifs à la variole simienne (mpox) à l’intention des personnes vivant dans des camps, des réfugiés, des personnes déplacées à l’intérieur de leur propre pays et des migrants
- Risk communication materials
- Recovering from mpox at home
- What you need to know about MPOX
- MPOX Toolkit
- Risk communication
- Viral Facts Africa Content
WHO Mpox Outbreak 2024
Documentation and key resources on Mpox Outbreak 2024
European Control Disease Center
Selected documentation, guidance and tools on for Mpox Response in Europe