Studies and evidences – list

Studies And EvidenceS

RCCE Cross Border Training Report April 2024
AfricaCDC, UNIFEC, IFRC, WHO, 2024 |
Language: English
Keywords: Coordination, Monitoring and evaluation, Strengthening capacity
GTFCC, 2024 | This guide was developed to contribute to the Global Task Force on Cholera Control Interim Guiding Document to Support Countries for the Development of their National Cholera Plans. It focuses...
Language: English
Keywords: Community engagement
WHO benchmarks for strengthening health emergency capacities – Updated Version
WHO, 2023 |
Language: English
Keywords: Coordination, Strengthening capacity
Emergency preparedness, readiness and response plan for cholera in the WHO European Region
World Health Organization. Regional Office for Europe, 2024 | This document provides overarching guidance and facilitates coherence on strategic objectives and priority activities for cholera preparedness, readiness and response in the WHO European Region – primarily focusing on two...
Language: English
Keywords: Community engagement, Risk communication, Coordination
Cholera Questions Bank
The Collective Service, SSHAP, 2023 | This resource is a menu of qualitative and quantitative questions related to socio-behavioural factors and cholera. It seeks to facilitate the collection of quality data on community’s capacity, behaviours, practices...
Language: English
Keywords: Social science
A Behavioural Playbook for Public Health Responses
UNICEF, 2024 | This playbook focuses on Social and Behaviour Change (SBC) solutions to public health crises, drawing upon promising SBC initiatives that were deployed during the COVID-19 pandemic within the Middle East...
Language: English
Keywords: Social science
Community Engagement and Accountability in Emergencies: Research and Tools
IFRC, 2023 | This document outlines the key findings of a research project in Africa and across regions to better understand community engagement in emergency response operations. The research conducted, provides guidance on...
Language: English
Keywords: Community engagement, Social science