Studies and evidences – list

Studies And EvidenceS

Session 4.1: Localized research: designing operational social science research that is responsive to communities (document)
UNICEF, | This session covers how to plan and roll out social science research that brings in local knowledge and expertise and puts communities’ knowledge, capacities and needs at the centre.
Language: English
Keywords: Social science
Session 3.2: Promoting the meaningful translation and application of ethical principles (presentation)
UNICEF, 2022 | The session discusses how research teams and practitioners working in community engagement and/or communications during humanitarian emergencies can translate and apply ethical principles to fit local communities and contexts.
Language: English
Keywords: Social science
Session 3.2: Promoting the meaningful translation and application of ethical principles (document)
UNICEF, 2022 | The session discusses how research teams and practitioners working in community engagement and/or communications during humanitarian emergencies can translate and apply ethical principles to fit local communities and contexts.
Language: English
Keywords: Social science
Session 3.1: Handout 2 (document)
Gwenaëlle Luc and Chiara Altare, 2020 |
Language: English
Keywords: Social science
Session 3.1: Handout 1 (document)
UNICEF, 2020 | Example of an information note used to discuss a piece of research with community groups.
Language: English
Keywords: Social science
Session 3.1: Ethical principles and approvals for social science research in a humanitarian/emergency context (presentation)
UNICEF, 2022 | The session covers the main ethical principles that should guide social science research.
Language: English
Keywords: Social science
UNICEF, 2022 | The session covers the main ethical principles that should guide social science research.
Language: English
Keywords: Social science
Session 2.4: Understanding the importance of language in social science research (presentation)
UNICEF, 2022 | This session discusses the significance of language in social science research in humanitarian action with a focus on community engagement and/or communications activities.
Language: English
Keywords: Social science
Session 2.4: Understanding the importance of language in social science research (document)
UNICEF, 2022 | This session discusses the significance of language in social science research in humanitarian action with a focus on community engagement and/or communications activities.
Language: English
Keywords: Social science
Session 2.3: Rapid strategies to understand the political, sociocultural and economic factors that increase vulnerability (presentation)
UNICEF, 2022 | This session discusses rapid strategies to establish and deepen participants’ understanding of social determinants, risk perceptions, historical, political, sociocultural and economic context to overcome vulnerabilities of specific population groups.
Language: English
Keywords: Social science