Studies and evidences – list

Studies And EvidenceS

Session 2.3: Rapid strategies to understand the political, sociocultural and economic factors that increase vulnerability (document)
UNICEF, 2022 | This session discusses rapid strategies to establish and deepen participants’ understanding of social determinants, risk perceptions, historical, political, sociocultural and economic context to overcome vulnerabilities of specific population groups.
Language: English
Keywords: Social science
Session 2.2:Understanding behaviour in humanitarian/emergency response – models and theories (presentation)
UNICEF, 2022 | This session discusses how to understand and identify the drivers and barriers to the uptake of behaviours critical to the response to humanitarian action.
Language: English
Keywords: Social science
Session 2.2: Understanding behaviour in humanitarian/emergency response – models and theories (document)
UNICEF, 2022 | This session discusses how to understand and identify the drivers and barriers to the uptake of behaviours critical to the response to humanitarian action.
Language: English
Keywords: Social science
Session 2.1: Understanding context, vulnerability and inequality in public health and humanitarian emergencies (presentation)
UNICEF, 2022 | This session introduces the idea that it is important to understand broad social context in order to understand vulnerability and inequality.
Language: English
Keywords: Social science
Session 2.1: Understanding context, vulnerability and inequality in public health and humanitarian emergencies (document)
UNICEF, 2022 | This session introduces the idea that it is important to understand broad social context in order to understand vulnerability and inequality.
Language: English
Keywords: Social science
Sight Unseen: A vision for effective access to COVID-19 vaccines for migrants
Australian Red Cross, IFRC, 2021 | This addendum builds on the findings of that initial report and aims to take stock of the current global trends with respect to COVID-19 vaccines access for migrants.
Language: English
Keywords: Monitoring and evaluation, Community feedback, Risk communication, Community engagement
Session 1.3: Advocating for the inclusion of social science in emergency response activities that engage communities (presentation)
UNICEF, 2022 | This session explores why and how to advocate for the inclusion of social science research in activities that engage communities and in wider emergency response.
Language: English
Keywords: Social science
Session 1.3: Advocating for the inclusion of social science in emergency response activities that engage communities (document)
UNICEF, 2022 | This session explores why and how to advocate for the inclusion of social science research in activities that engage communities and in wider emergency response.
Language: English
Keywords: Social science
Session 1.2: Operational social science research in the humanitarian/emergency response cycle (presentation)
UNICEF, 2022 | This session defines operational social science and how it can be used in settings where research is time-sensitive. It also explains where it fits within the humanitarian programme cycle.
Language: English
Keywords: Social science
Session 1.2: Operational social science research in the humanitarian/emergency response cycle (document)
UNICEF, 2022 | This session defines operational social science and how it can be used in settings where research is time-sensitive. It also explains where it fits within the humanitarian programme cycle.
Language: English
Keywords: Social science