Studies and evidences – list

Studies And EvidenceS

Protocole CASS pour les études connaissances, attitudes et pratiques
CASS, 2020 | Ce guide pratique détaillé complète le protocole CAP (Word) et fournit des instructions étape par étape avec des visuels.
Language: French
Keywords: Social science
Data Cleaning: Steps to Clean Data
GEOPOLL, 2021 | This guidance provides a detailed overview of the different steps to clean data which is vital to ensure validity and reliability.
Language: English
Keywords: Social science
Enquête par entretiens individuels semi-structurés
CASS, 2018 | Ce module explique comment mener une enquete qualitative par entretiens semi-structure y compris le role de l'enqueteur, des considerations ethiques, les responsabilites des chercheurs, comment conduire un entretien qualitatif et/ou...
Language: French
Keywords: Social science
Research Ethics Tool
Elrha, 2017 | The Research Ethics Tool has been developed to provide guidance on research ethics for public health researchers interested in applying to the R2HC programme and also for other researchers working...
Language: English
Keywords: Social science
Présentations et développement des recommandations
CASS, 2020 | Cet outil donne des directions comment communiquer d'une manière efficace les résultats de la recherche opérationnelle en science sociales
Language: French
Keywords: Social science
CAP SOP protocole
CASS, 2020 | Ce document a ete developpe pour les personnes responsables de la gestion et de la réalisation des enquêtes CAPs et leurs managers.
Language: French
Keywords: Social science
Using the framework method for the analysis of qualitative data in multi-disciplinary health research
BMC Medical Research Methodology, 2013 | The article discusses when it is appropriate to adopt the Framework Method and explains the procedure for using it in multi-disciplinary health research teams, or those that involve clinicians, patients...
Language: English
Keywords: Social science
CASS: Methodology Guide. Introduction to qualitative methods
CASS, 2020 | This is an introduction to qualitative research providing an overview of what qualitative research is, different qualitative research methods, qualitative sampling strategies, informed consent and ethical considerations.
Language: English
Keywords: Social science
COVID-19 Community Feedback Package
IFRC, 2021 | This resource package was put together to provide you with the tools and guidance you need to set up mechanisms for systematically listening and responding to communities in our response...
Language: English
Keywords: Community feedback
COVID-19 vaccines: Misinformation management guide
, 2021 | This guide aims to help organizations address the global ‘infodemic’ through the development of strategic and well-coordinated national action plans to rapidly counter misinformation and build demand for vaccination.
Language: English, French, Spanish, Arabic, Turkish, Italian
Keywords: Infodemic management