Studies and evidences – list

Studies And EvidenceS

Session 6.2: Enabling environments for the uptake of social science evidence in emergency response (document)
UNICEF, 2022 | This session aims to explore what an enabling environment looks like so that social science can inform different phases of an emergency response and how it can best be promoted.
Language: English
Keywords: Social science
Session 5.4: Feeding back to communities and using findings to support community-level solutions and actions (presentation)
UNICEF, 2022 | This session describes the different approaches used to share research findings back with communities through a range of case examples.
Language: English
Keywords: Social science
Session 5.2: How to transform social science data and evidence into actionable findings (presentation)
UNICEF, 2022 | This session covers how to effectively design research and transform social science data and evidence into findings that can be used to influence policy and practice.
Language: English
Keywords: Social science
Session 5.3: How to communicate and present research outputs to different audiences (presentation)
UNICEF, 2022 | This session covers how to effectively design research and transform social science data and evidence into findings that can be used to influence policy and practice.
Language: English
Keywords: Social science
Session 5.1: Evidence synthesis for social and behavioural data (presentation)
UNICEF, 2022 | This session presents ways to access relevant data and information required to undertake an evidence synthesis, and then approaches to synthesizing qualitative evidence from those different sources.
Language: English
Keywords: Social science
Session 5.4: Feeding back to communities and using findings to support community-level solutions and actions (document)
UNICEF, 2022 | This session describes the different approaches used to share research findings back with communities through a range of case examples.
Language: English
Keywords: Social science
Session 5.2: How to transform social science data and evidence into actionable findings (document)
UNICEF, 2022 | This session covers how to effectively design research and transform social science data and evidence into findings that can be used to influence policy and practice.
Language: English
Keywords: Social science
Session 5.3: How to communicate and present research outputs to different audiences (document)
UNICEF, 2022 | This session covers how to effectively design research and transform social science data and evidence into findings that can be used to influence policy and practice.
Language: English
Keywords: Social science
Session 5.1: Evidence synthesis for social and behavioural data (document)
UNICEF, 2022 | This session presents ways to access relevant data and information required to undertake an evidence synthesis, and then approaches to synthesizing qualitative evidence from those different sources.
Language: English
Keywords: Social science
Session 4.8: Triangulation of data: why is it important and how does it work (presentation)
UNICEF, 2022 | This session teaches how to triangulate social science data with other types of data to generate evidence relevant to community engagement and/or communications activities.
Language: English
Keywords: Social science